Sep 15, 2009 5:34:16 PM org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils isAttachmentSupported WARNING: Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled. true true 5a59d226-d042-0b3b-123b-e2291203d53f 17cabs901 2009-09-15 09:37:01.424 ABC Patrick Swayze Patrick Wayne Swayze Ghost Person Communication and Meetings Dirty Dancing Lisa Niemi Movie Release pancreatic cancer cancer The Beast Grease Red Dawn Jennifer Grey Sam Wheat Molly Jensen Whoopi Goldberg Baby Joffrey Ballet Houston Entertainment Weekly Grandview, U.S.A. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Point Break Letters From a Killer The Outsiders Road House City of Joy Sexiest Man Alive Donnie Darko Johnny Castle Solomon Patsy Demi Moore Scarlett Johansson Annett Wolf Barbara Walters Texas Entertainment Weekly football New York Catskills LOS ANGELES Chicago ABC Houston Ballet Dance Company Eliot Feld Ballet Company CNN America United States Oscar Person Travel Christmas cancer treatment surgery Outsiders Harvard Federal Bureau of Investigation Joffrey Ballet Francis Ford Coppola Ralph Macchio Tom Cruise Emilio Estevez Danny Zuko Julie Newmar Rob Lowe C. Thomas Howell Darrel Curtis John Travolta Matt Dillon George Fisher Charming queen actor speaker dancer investment banker Prince King fine actor manager of a rough-and-tumble bar director accomplished diver dance instructor nice-guy actor engineering draftsman Illinois New York California Arizona M*A*S*H KTLA Entertainment_Culture Human Interest